The Board of Recommendation

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The Board of Recommendation

The Board of Recommendation consists of respected and knowledgeable members who support our organisation, our activities and our ideals.

The Board of Recommendation

Prof. mr. S.C.J.J. Kortmann
Former Dean of Radboud University Nijmegen; Senior professor civil law; President Grotius Academy

CDR (RNLN) C.J. van Peski, MSc, Ma, PgD
Chair of the Advisory Committee of the Netherlands United Nations Association (NVVN), “Partnering for Peace” Academic Fellow at the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies/Juniata College, PA (US); Lieutenant Commander Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN)

Drs. jhr. D. Laman Trip
Co-founder of the Day for Change Foundation; Former CEO of ING Netherlands; Former member of Advisory Group at the UN International Year of Microcredits

Mr. A.A.M. van Agt
Former Minister of Justice, Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister of the Netherlands; Visiting Professor at the University of Kyoto

Mr. B.O. Dittrich
Advocacy Director LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch; Former member of the Dutch Parliament

Prof. dr. C.W.P.M. Blom
Former Dean of Radboud University Nijmegen; Senior Professor Botany and Ecology Radboud University

Mr. T.C. de Graaf
Vice-President of Raad van State, Former Honorable Mayor of Nijmegen

Mr. P.C. Feith
Former Dutch diplomat; International Civilian Representative for Kosovo; European Union Special Representative; NATO

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